Monday, August 27, 2007

You talkin' to me?

Last night I found myself writing a particularly violent scene in book #2 of the Phil Riley Novels and I confess, it made me a bit queasy. Geez, I'm kinda getting into this, I found myself thinking. Method acting for actors is a commonly accepted approach to "getting into a character's head" - why shouldn't it be the same for writers? I don' recall Robert DiNero donning a Mohawk and gunning down pimps. I think that would have made the papers. So clearly, playing Travis Bickle hasn't had a lasting impact on his psyche. Maybe I'll be okay then, huh? Maybe I won't become a psychopathic killer like the characters in my novels, huh? But what does it mean if I don't mind writing violent scenes?

You talkin' to me?

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